zenTwitter: Twitter Updates for your zenphoto!

zenTwitter v0.1 released!


Here is an adaptation of the code project initialized by Bert Simons (BertSimons) on the zenphoto forums. His initial code was created as a plain php page and was included via the codeblocks from a zenpage. It also included twitpic updates. I've slimmed the code down a bit and turned it into a plug-in.

v0.1 has been tested on 1.2.6[4681] (2009-11-09 nightly). It will not work on 1.2.6 (standard) as it relies upon the new user plugin folder located at root/plugins.

Currently I'm already working on being able to limit the number of tweets it refeeds to your zen, as the twitter rss holds 20 most recent.

Feedback, questions, & requests are encouraged as this is my first plug-in release. It's been fun learning the backend of zen.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    took a quick look, looks good (can't test as I don't use twitter). There is a typo in the function's comment
    `<?php if (function_exists('zenTwitter')) { zenPaypal(); } ?>`..;-)
  • ahaha, yeah I couldn't remember the exact call for function checks so just copy pasted it, lol. 30+ hours no sleep sucks. I hate insomnia some days. I banged my head for like 3 hours trying to figure out why the plug-in was failing, before I realized my silly error of using echo commands when not needed.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I know that (not insomnia though)..:-) I have just posted an entry on our news section.
  • thanks for the news post. have a couple changes im already set to make once i get a few moments to sit at my desk instead of work lol
  • Updated to v 0.2:
    * Added admin toggle for image display.
    * Added admin input for image url.
    * Added zenTwitter, zenTwitterimg, zenTwitterUpdate css id's to html output for css styling use.

    I'm still working on limiting the feed for those that want it. Should have that worked out in the next day or two.
  • Hi Micheall! thanks for your work on the twitter plugin.. Have been distracted with all kinds of other things so was not able to do any more work on it after the initial code but guess I would not have succeeded in the end..so glad you did! I have no insomnia and really should go to bed now, but tomorrow I will post some other little things regarding twitter and facebook..
    too bad that I can not try out your plugin cause I am still on 1.25..
  • I could update it to use an if-check for plug-in location... that might work. My host however is having issues so I'm working on transferring to a new host at the moment. I'll post an update once I've straightened it out.
  • Micheall

    in your zenTwitter 0.2 dowload there is still a reference tou your username....

    $splitdata2 = explode('malone76:', $splitdata[0]);
  • Doh! Thanks for that catch Bert! fixing now. Having a bit of an issue with the twitpic side of the code though, they aren't displaying so working on that as we speak.
  • zenTwitter v0.21 (bug fix) released.

    * Fixed error leaving a username in the code instead of the variable being pulled from admin setting. (Thanks BertSimons!)
    * removed a typo in the twitpic portion of code
    * Added htmlecho for the twitpic portion of code, it now correctly displays the twitpic items upon finding them.

  • zenTwitter v0.22 (bugfix) release.


    * Fixed a minor bug that caused dynamic album creation to populate fields with zenTwitter.css information.

    It seems when using the addPluginScript to add CSS to your header, you have to include the full webpath, as the relative link was causing this minor bug.

    Download/Install instructions:
  • zenTwitter v0.23 release.


    * Minor code cleanup.
    * Added ability for header to be specified in admin options instead of hardcoded.
    * Verified functionality with zenPhoto 1.3 [5479] build.

    After being stuck with a hectic schedule for the last couple of months I've been able to return to this project.

    Also note, the domain hosting the gallery & this plugin has changed, if someone would be so kind as to update the More Info & Download link for it.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the note. I will update the entry.
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