Thumbnail sizing set to longest side?

I'm trying to get the thumbnail grid to remain as a fixed rectangle. I want to set it so that the thumbnails will adjust the padding between them to accommodate vertical or horizontal images. Right now the rows are different lengths which isn't as a clean a look as I would like to have. Is there any way to do that? Or maybe add that option to a future version? Otherwise I have only good things to say about zenphoto!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, you need to use the set of "maxspace" custom image functions on your theme. Please search the documentation for details.
  • Great thanks SOOOOO much!!!
  • OK so I find that this is the one I want yes?

    printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace( [string $alt = ''], int $width, int $height, [string $class = NULL], [string $id = NULL] )

    I am at a loss where to go from do I use this to get a maximum thumbnail width of say 200 on all thumbs, vertical and horizontal?? I am a newbie here and very much appreciate your help here! Also steered my brother to zenphoto as he was looking for a new gallery.
  • you would want to use

    `printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace("alt text",200,200,"div class","div id")`

    Replacing alt text, div class, and div id with what ever you'd like those to be.

    Also, take a gander over this as it will help you in referencing the guide in the future:
  • Ah ok thanks micheall! And that link helped a great deal. So if I read it correctly if I am using the default values for the "alt text", div class, div id I can leave them blank yes? Hopefully this is the last of me bothering you good and patient people!! Have a great weekend...
  • Spoke too I use this set up yes

    <?php printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace("",200,null,null,null); ?>

    if I want all thumbs to default to a width of 200 yes? Now am I replacing a line of code with this or just adding this to the album.php page of my theme? And if I AM replacing it what line am I replacing. I looked in the functions guide and I don't see anything to help me with that answer.

    Thanks yet again...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to set both the width and height. The function is meant to generate uncropped images within a specific maxwidth x maxheight.

    Please read the theming tutorial to learn how Zenphoto themes work and what pages you need to replace what. Best you also read the entry about how to use the functions documentation.
  • So there is no way to set it to a default width and let the height fall wherever it will? Images are different sizes and I need to keep the width uniform if possible. Is this not an option right now?

    I already looked through the Theme tutorial and found nothing to help me figure out what I would need to change. But it looks like I can't set a width and let the height fall as it needs right?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, without doing extra coding you have basically three types of images:
    1. cropped images,
    2. uncropped maxspace ones within a specific maxwidth x maxheight
    3. uncropped ones using the normal custom size image function by setting only the size by size regarding the option set on Options > theme (your theme has to be change to use those for the thumbs.)

    The theming tutorial really tells you clearly what parts do the thumbnails you want to change.
  • Ah ok thanks then...that explains why I couldn't get it to happen! Perhaps my brother will do some poking around for me. Is it possible that this may be added in the future??
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We have no plans to do that as most people like to have control on ther site's design about the image dimensions. You could just use the maxspace function and set a huge height to get nearly the same.
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