I have been keeping an eye out on the other thread on using galleria with zenPhoto. It seems to have stopped and I think it is such a shame.
Are there any plans to implement something like galleria into some of the default ZenPhoto themes. It is such a great way of browsing photographs, no waiting time and no reloading a whole page. just loading and preloading images for instant view.
Or any other Ajax way of browsing images. and or by using prealoading of images for faster browsing.
A drawback: The big image is loaded on request, but the thumbs are not (with most of these tools).
So if you have quite many images they have to be loaded in the background, especially if they have to be generated that will slow down a little. Although there might be js tricks to preload only what is directly shown. And also the individual image is not linkable (there are apparently tricks to do this of course)
What I am personally after are not the thumbs, but a fast browsing single image viewer, no slideing effect needed. Most important I guess is not to reload the whole page as well.
I started thinking a little about it, and could it be TrisWeb.
Super fast loading, I tried to use it at some point but there where some problems with it.
It might have been the Trisweb theme. I believe the JS to preload is still there: