no go button, no fatal errors, nothing in the error.log..

halp! I ran an upgrade on my zen install, after I was having a werid problem with not being able to log in even after getting a reset email sent out.

I get a bunch of warnings that don't seem that terrible, sql version 4.1.x, htaccess timestamp, that sort of thing. I get no GO button though..

I'm on dreamhost (booo) running php5 fastcgi, not sure what other info would be useful in this instance..?

error log is empty.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you upgraded make sure you really replaced all files as indicated on the installation instructions.

    Please post details about what setup complains about.
  • Hey acrylian. Thanks - but It's ok - I fixed it by deleting the administrators table. The 'tables to be created' dialogue appeared along with the GO button.. Not sure what that was all about but it's all better... so far.
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