I would like to know how to set the thumbnail on the index page (the main page) to a custom thumbnail that has been cropped by me. I have uploaded a custom thumbnail to my /zenphoto/cache/album folder and made it appear manually through Firebug.
I would like to know how I can get it to stay there. In the Admin > Edit tab, under the Thumbnail drop down, I do not get an option that would allow this to happen. I must choose between "most recent, random, or a particular image that Zenphoto crops for me".
Note that the Custom thumbnail cropping feature in Admin > Edit > Images tab does not work. Not 100% sure why, but from the info I gathered, it is because my theme is a custom theme.
Apologies if this has been addressed, but I cannot find this in the forums. Any help would be appreciated.
I am using the printCustomAlbumThumb() function and it's variables have been adjusted. How can I adjust this to direct it to the URL of the "customthumb.jpg" that I would like to place in the /zenphot/cache for each album on the index page?
Bet the answer is just right in front of me, but I'm new to this stuff.
Here is the code (please let me know if it is wrong to post this here; can't seem to find the guidelines for posting)
<?php while (next_album()): ?>
" title="View album: <?=getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Now I can't find the functions guide. Seems to have vanished from the site. All I see is "How to read..."
seriously, where is it? a direct link would be key.
found the elements index however.
so, while the help is appreciated, i gather from this forum, that you can't walk me through the steps in getting this task done. i'm positive this is not difficult and could probably be resolved quickly, but it seems like you are not wanting to directly post the code that i need. while i understand every case is different and maintaining this forum is a busy job, it seems like just posting the code would help both me and others who are confused over this same thing.
So you'd want to use `printAlbumThumbImage()` which will then call the default album thumb image (which you've assigned via the backend tool already).
i want the index to have 350x150 custom cropped images. they will be uploaded as "customcropalbum1.jpg" with dimensions already set. when i upload them, i cannot select the image from the thumbnail dropdown in edit>album. it only has the photos in the album folder.
on the album pages, i want to have 85x85 crops that can be randomly generated by Zenphoto.
when i deleted the printCustomAlbumThumbImage and used printAlbumThumbImage, i had to go into options>theme options and change the Crop Thumbnails to 300x150. this then throws off the album thumbnails. i do not want the index page and the album page to have the same thumbnail dimensions.
when using the printCustomAlbumThumbImage, my only issue is that i don't like Zenphoto choice of crops from the index page and would like them to be my own. the sizes are all correct both on the index and album pages.
again, thanks for the help. maybe we can keep the dialogue going now and i can relieve myself of a headache.
Now there's a couple ways you could accomplish what you're looking to do. You could create your own index.php/splash page into the gallery and use standard html/img tags linking to your gallery albums.
Another way would be to upload those customcrops you made into your different albums, setting them as the custom thumbs. The only problem with doing it that way is that where you're putting the printCustomAlbumThumImage is in a loop, so it's going to use the same dimensions etc for each time through the loop.
Probably the best way to accomplish what you're looking to do is blend the two. Modify the zenphoto index.php so that it's not looping and use the printCustomAlbumThumImage calls placed on your index page and styled how you want with the html/css elements. Doing that gets more into the theming aspects, which you'd want to familiarize yourself with by visiting the theme guide (sorry habit):
could you tell me how this site is doing their thumbnails? it does not seem possible that Zenphoto generated those exact thumbnails for each album. maybe, but it seems to me that he has cropped the faces for each separate album just how he likes them, and then has it link to the album.
guess i don't have to write it every time, but thanks.
If someone wants special predefined thumbs not generated from the uploaded images you have to store them elsewhere and create a function that links to them maybe using an image filter or whatever.
@ryan_nerone: We of course don't know anything about that site's theme but it will surely use the custom image functions we mentioned above.
Backticks with the code is not working correctly for me, so, to keep this forum's formatting clean, here are links to the code.
Here is the index.php
Here is the album.php
Again, I want 300x150 thumbs on the index and 85x85 crops on the album. I also want to be able to use the custom thumbnail cropping feature from the backend (mostly for the index page only, it is no problem if the album page is randomly generated).
In my options>theme options>crop thumbnails; I have the setting at 300 and 150 with a checkmark. this makes both the index and album have the same which is a problem.
Could someone please take me through the steps to do this? I have been referencing the theming tutuorial and other code (i don't have the default theme to reference), but I cannot get it working. Posting the exact functions to use would be a huge benefit. Thanks in advance.
Then in your album.php I'd use the `printCustomSizedImage()`. Based on your album.txt you'd want to use:
`<?php printCustomeSizedImage(getImageTitle(),NULL,85,85,85,85); ?>`
Now your album.php file is missing stuff for if it's got sub-albums etc, you may want to compare your album.php to the original default theme to see what I mean.
You can see what it would look like here (my dev gallery):
also, in the string <?php printCustomeSizedImage(getImageTitle(),NULL,85,85,85,85); ?> what can i add to adjust the scale of the crop. i would like it to zoom in more. i have read the functions guide and experimented with the x and y axis, but it came out very distorted. what is the range of values for that attribute?
i also have the default theme to reference now should you need me to look there.
really, it is pretty simple, everything is how i want it. only thing is that i cannot crop my index thumbs and i would like to change the scale/zoom of the album thumbs.