Zenphoto, Flock browser, and blogging photos

I'm happy to report that Zenphoto plays well with the Flock browser. I tend to handcraft my own HTML in Wordpress when I blog, but I find a simpler solution is needed for people who aren't natural coders (e.g. my wife!)

Here's what works in Flock.

(1) If I surf to my Zenphoto gallery, an extra icon orange appears just left of the URL address bar. Hover over it, and it reads "Click to view available media streams". This means that the RSS feed from Zenphoto is compatible with Flock (in a victory for open standards!)

If I then hover over a thumbnail in the the media stream, there's an option to share the image (either as "Email this" or "Blog this"). The "Blog this" seems to link to the original image size, so if a smaller image is desired, this might not be the best workflow.

(2) If I just use the Flock browser to surf through my Zenphoto galleries, the browsing behaviour is the same as in Firefox, because both are based on the Mozilla engine. However, when I see an image in the size I want, I can right-mouse-button over it to "Blog this". The blog post then imports the resized image (in the cache directory), and creates a link from that resized image to the Zenphoto page (enabling a click-through to the full-sized image).

In summary, the behaviour of blogging using Flock with Zenphoto is about the same as using Flock with Flickr. The major difference is that I can maintain my photo gallery on my own domain, rather than having the service provided by Flickr (which is free, until the number of uploads per month goes above their posted limit).

One thing that I haven't figured out (and I think would be a desirable feature for people who don't like FTP) ...

(3) Flock has a Photo Uploader feature, described at http://www.flock.com/user-guide/mdia/upload.html . I have previously coached my sister-in-law to use this to upload photos to Flickr, with the advantage that Flock has a "Upload settings" that will downsample large (e.g. 10MP) photos down to reasonable (e.g. 1024x768 or 800x600) sizes.

Does Flock call an API in Flickr that would be similarly available in Zenphoto? Is this (a) a new feature request, or (b) something that already exists that I haven't figure out how to configure? I think that Zenphoto would have to be one of the services for which Flock would establish an "Accounts and Services" entry, and I can't figure out if that is already supported or not.
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