If you want to get the slideshow function to validate using the XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype, here's how to do it:
- Copy the printSlideShowLink() function from the slideshow plugin's slideshow.php file and paste it into your theme's customfunctions.php file.
- Give your function a new name to distinguish it from the original. I just added '2' to the end of the function name.
- XHTML doesn't support the 'name' attribute for forms. Change "name=slideshow..." to "id=slideshow..."
- XHTML requires form elements to be grouped using div or fieldset tags. Add div tags immediately within the form tags.
- In order to get the form to submit using the form id, change the anchor link href to `javascript:document.getElementById('slideshow_<?php echo $slideshow_instance; ?>').submit()`
- Modify your album.php and image.php files to reference the new function.
It should look like this:
* Prints a link to call the slideshow (not shown if there are no images in the album)
* To be used on album.php and image.php
* A CSS id names 'slideshowlink' is attached to the link so it can be directly styled.
@param string $linktext Text for the link
function printSlideShowLink2($linktext='') {
global $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_search, $slideshow_instance;
if (checkForPassword(true)) return;
if(empty($_GET['page'])) {
$pagenr = 1;
} else {
$pagenr = sanitize_numeric($_GET['page']);
$slideshowhidden = '';
if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH)) {
$imagenumber = '';
$imagefile = '';
$albumnr = 0;
$slideshowlink = rewrite_path("/page/slideshow","index.php?p=slideshow");
$slideshowhidden = 'getSearchParams().'" />';
} else {
if(in_context(ZP_IMAGE)) {
$imagenumber = imageNumber();
$imagefile = $_zp_current_image->filename;
} else {
$imagenumber = "";
$imagefile = "";
if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH_LINKED)) {
$albumnr = -getAlbumID();
$slideshowhidden = 'getSearchParams().'" />';
} else {
$albumnr = getAlbumID();
$slideshowlink = rewrite_path(pathurlencode($_zp_current_album->getFolder())."/page/slideshow","index.php?p=slideshow&album=".urlencode($_zp_current_album->getFolder()));
$numberofimages = getNumImages();
if($numberofimages != 0) {
" method="post" action="<?php echo $slideshowlink; ?>">
$slideshow_instance ++;