An adaptation of Tricasa for Zenpage

I've made an adaptation of tricasa theme for Zenphoto.
The code is not clean for the moment but working well with comments, and plugins like flowplayer 1.2.6.

you can use hotkeys "right" and "left" to navigate between images

It's base on the last version on zenphoto (1.2.6).

- add support of rating plugin
- add support for the counter (the idea is to take the same code as the slideshow)
- optimize the javascript (and the table wich countain all information about images...)
- add a jQuery plugin for history

Here the link for the demo

If you want to help me for the last things to do, i'll be glad !

PS: Sorry for my poor english !!)


  • Ahhh just what I spoke to Acrylian about few days ago... Super fast image browsing.

    Does this support Google maps? Description with images? Tags?

    I think something like this should be part of ZenPhoto as a theme.
  • - It's not support Googlemaps for the moment (because I don't use it)
    - It's support description
    - It's not support Tag (for the moment) but the process should be the same as description.

    My actual problem is to give for admin the right of editing description and title of image.
    The (big) difference between tricasa and this theme is the process of loading image. In tricasa, the image is load on the html page (hidden with css), in mine, image is load on the dom and replace the image when you change picture (without css).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Nice of course, especially as it just preloads one image at the time. I can imagine that it is a litte difficult to get it to work with all the other standards.
    A theme with this would be welcome of course. Or maybe this could even be a plugin so you could setup any theme with it?
  • Would there be a change to get a copy to try and get Google maps to work. You can get in touch privately through my web-page. If you want to hold of posting in public as it is now.

    I am pretty busy these days but I might be able to slip in some minutes to have a look.

    I am very interested in knowing how this will work with the the class-textobject to load some flash. See here for example.
  • I think that a theme is easier than a plug-in. I'll try to put all standards on it but it's a quite complicate.

    In the idea, I need to have an extra page (like theme-function.php) allowing me to get all information from the previous image and the image next to having to load them in my page. It is easy to do with the image name, comments, title, description, but it is complicated with the rest, including the function reserved for the administrator to "edit in place"

    Olihar => You've got the theme on your mail
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    JS stuff is easily getting complicated and that is one reason why similar things are not in the standard themes as we would have to maintain and we are just two active devs as you probably know... :-)

    Regarding plugin vs theme. Of course choose what is easiest for you. Any new theme is welcome.
  • Titou, I have received your files, and sent you email with some questions, Thanks. I hope we can make something to share with the community.
  • Very impressive, the images load very quickly.
    You also have a great function : the keyboard navigation. Can you share this for us ?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Keyboard navigation is not that difficult, see for "accesskey" for example here:
  • Thanks for the link, i'll give a try.
    I notice that titou use the : jquery.hotkeys-0.7.9.min.js

    I will search google fot that too ;-)

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course there is probably a jquery tool for everything..;-)
  • I updated my script to support more plugin.
    Today I integrate these plugins:
    - Comments
    - Flowplayer3,
    - Tags

    I try to integrate the google map script, but I've got always the same difficulty. Php functions used by default in zenphoto contain "echo" so I need to open all plugin's file, take print function and copy it in my theme function (by copying and pasting and replace the "echo" by variables).

    What could be interresting in a future version zenphoto would distinguish 2 types of functions:
    - The display function (with echo)
    - Processing functions (returning only variables).

    So the theme in advance and try to get a clean version in a few days.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually most Zenphoto functions have a "get" variant that just returns values. Some "print" variants print more complicated html setup so a plain "get" equivalent is not possible.

    The google maps plugin especially does not have that as probably the initial developer of it had not thought about that. Since you already made those functions, feel free to submit them as additions for that plugin via the ticket system. We welcome every contribution (also if you find missing things like this elsewhere, but note we have also a object framework that can do many things more flexible than the pure theme functions).
  • Do you folks have something you can share? I am looking to set up a new zenpage site, and I really like the look of olihar's site...


  • The adress of webpage change now, you can test it on
    It's base on the last version of zenphoto (1.2.8), and I working whith Olihar to add google map plugin....
    So, I think early 2010 I could offer you a clean script.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Looks nice. I will not implement this in the official theme though, as I/we have enough stuff to maintain anyway.

    It probably would be great if you could maybe make a completely new theme/design since we could always use some?...;-)
  • Yes I have had that in mind when the script has been done and cleaned up to implement the drop down menu I posted earlier on the forum and make a clean and new look, take away the sidebar and only use a drop down for navigation. Make a very clean, simple and fast browsing theme.

    I have been doing some tests of having a theme with 3 colors that the user browsing the web chooses to his liking, White, gray and black. The flash object I use on my own web-page using the Text-Object are giving me a hard time not being able to change background color using CSS.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sounds good. I don't understand the flash object question actually (if it was a question).
  • No it wasn't a question :-) per say...

    I am pretty sure I cant change the background of a flash file that I use Javascript to display using CSS.

    var so = new SWFObject("path to flash file", "name of object", "100%", "300px", "9.0.28","#FFFFFF");

    This will be a white background. I am going to look into this a little more and then I might bring out a question.

    I am using Text-Object to embed flash to my webpage... you can see here.

    It works great and titou has gotten the script to work with it perfectly.

    But like I say if I want to do a theme with different colors I am having hard time changing the background of the flash object using CSS.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I understand.
  • We 're working hard with olihar to propose a new theme ;-)
    - Google map plugin is enable now.
    - Hitcounter is working (in ajax: called slideshow-hitcounter.php)
  • I change the theme plugin, you can download it here.

    I think there will still include a new theme this feature. Olihar working on this, but he did not have much time yet.

    I'm going to make a small post in the appropriate section.
    Thank you in advance for your return.
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