I want to have a different number of articles per page then set on the admin tab depending on which news category I am in.
Zenpage documentation gives me a hint: getLimitAndOffset(5);
but code like this does nothing...
5 news articles in category blog
<?php getLimitAndOffset(5);
while (next_news()): ;
if (inNewsCategory(blog)){
echo getNewsTitle();
printNewsPageListWithNav(gettext('next »'), gettext('« prev'));?>
any clues
It's much easier, just use `setOption("zenpage_articles_per_page",,false)` to directly change the option.
with getOptionList() I could get a array of all options which are set/can be set?
But you find all options of Zenpage within the main `zenpage.php` file (for all other plugins in their main file also) and the standard Zenphoto options are all in `zp-core/setup-option-defaults.php`.
on the news.php above the while loop does not change the number of articles as set on the admin tab...
also tried setting other options as in setup-option-defaults.php on my index.php also with no result..
I put together a page that shows only news articles within a defined category and that differs from the default pagination..
one thing though: the printNewsPageListWithNav() does not stay within the category..
e.g it shows the pages for all articles.. any hints?
<?php // news article loop on blog page
$results = getNewsArticles('20','blog',NULL);
foreach ($results as $item) {
$newsobj = new ZenpageNews($item['titlelink']);
echo $newsobj->getContent();
printNewsPageListWithNav(gettext('<'), gettext('>'));
May I ask why you do not just call the news.php page by url? That would be much easier than making your own page.
I call to the category by uri on my frontpage eg:
then depending on the category I am in I set the number of articles per page like this
if (substr_count($check,"blog")==1){
now if I use printNewsPageList() 100 articles get divided over 10 pages in category blog
thus showing the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
if I use printNewsPageListWithNav()
I get: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 next with page 1 highlighted, which seems correct
going to page 2 gives
prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 next with page 2 highlighted, which seems correct
but.. when being on page 2 and click on prev.. being the printPrevNewsPageLink() function
this now shows up a page which contains also the articles outside the category I was in eg all articles..
so actually I am in need of a printPrevNewsWithinCurrentCategoryPageLink()...
Also in the standard zenpage-default theme going to a category shows indeed all the articles within a category but clicking the titlelink also ends up showing single articles with prev/next articles outside the category you were in..
Actually the pageslist function should do what you want. If it does not we probably have a bug. I will try to reproduce that.
On your site you are using 1.2.5 RC1. If that is the version you are testing with I have to request to try the current nightly as we are about to release 1.2.7 on Decemeber 1st.
well if zenphoto would run zenpage instead of wordpress you would have noticed..:-)
Ugraded to the latest nightly on my testsite ( http://www.thegreenskirt.nl/zenphototest )
here I have a category blog containing 4 articles and category news containing 3 articles so in total 7 articles.. for testing I set number of articles per page to 1 in admin tab.
now printNewsPageListWithNav() prev/next stays within category and shows correct numbers of page but...
going to an single news article from within a category shows printNewsPageListWithNav() with all (eg 7 pages) and prev/next article navigation without regarding the current category
So if you clicked an article titlelink on the say 7th category page, read the single article and then want to read the next article.. you should go back to the category..browse to the page the article was on and then choose the next article? kind of unlogic to me...
You mean that the category list entry should lead back to the category page the single article is on? Well, that will need a lot of extra GET stuff in the url to get that info over. Not even Wordpress has that.
I see that line 31 but I do not see the nav if in single article view (see http://zenpage-demo.maltem.de/news/Welcome-to-the-Zenpage-demo - single artice nav is disable because of CombiNews mode)
for now I will make an if condition that omits the prev/next link for a single article link if reached from a category by checking http_referer and instead show a link linking the category link entry back to the category page the single article was on something like this
in single article code if reached from category listing
">Go back to gategory list
and on news.php in article list code an name anchor on each article
If you like open a ticket for it and attach your soltution.