integrating zenphoto help

I have a little problem integrating zenphoto in my website.
Right now, i was able to successful make it work by including the entire gallery (index.php) into an iframe. It works great and everything is ok.

This is the site:

The problem is that navigating the photo gallery, the url at the address bar remains static as and not showing the urls of the images/albums/etc.
I konw it´s because im using the iframe method and my gallery is a .html file, no .php
I dont know nothing about php, so im here for some help integrating the entire zenphoto gallery inside that <div> in my gallery page.
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is not possible to integrate Zenphoto into an `div` within your site and surely not within a .html file (most servers do not recognize PHP on those).

    The easiest would be to make a theme to match your site's design and just call Zenphoto via the "Galleries". You will have to get familiar with some PHP basics for theming though. Please read our theming tutorial:

    Generally, from what I see you probably could run your entire site with Zenphoto and the CMS plugin Zenpage.
  • Thanks a lot acrylian.
    I´ve modified the index.php, album.php, image.php and it´s working great now!.
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