hi, im working on a new theme for zp and cant figure out what stops flowplayer from working. please check out
http://michalrusina.sk/fotogaleria/videa/video.flv/1.the link to the movie is weird
and even if i hardcode it to
it wont work... please help. thanks
It generally works fine as you can see here: http://zenpage-demo.maltem.de/album1/zenpageteaser-final.flv.php
Btw nice theme. Hope to get a showcase submission later...;-)
EDIT: I see what you mean, the actually flowplayer code missed them indeed. We will correct that.
I just remember that there was an issue with flowplayer3 in 1.2.6. So my only advise is to please try the nightly build.
Regarding flowplayer and videos, I have no idea as I never encountered this issue. Maybe your file is not encoded correctly (flv is a container and you might have used the wrong actually codec). Have you tried the flvplayer plugin (you need to download the flvplayer files as noted first)?