latest images horizontal?

It´s possible to print the latest images horizontally and not vertically?
Im using the image_album_statistics plugin and it´s working great, but i want my latest images displayed horizontally.

Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sure, you can display any html list inline. Set the css of the latest images `ul` to `display: inline`.
  • thanks acrylian

    Sorry, and where is the css of the latest images ul located?
    my theme css? (dark.css) ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is no default one. You have to create it yourself. Each statistics function get a classid attached automatically ("latestimages" should be the one, see the doc).
  • ok,
    So, i dont get it totally, you mean that i have to create a "latestimages.css" file?
    and put it inside what directory?

    Sorry, im slow...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can do that but you just can add the needed defines to the theme's css file.
  • Thanks again acrylian

    the div containing the latest images is called "latest"
    So í tried this in my theme css file:

    ul.latest li {
    display: inline;

    and doesn´t work

    i´m in the wrong way?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you also need to look at the source generate (I don't remember every detail of every function).
    That would tell you that the html generated looks like this:

    // if using printLatestImages()
    • (...)

    So the call would be of course`#latest ul li`.

    The surrounding div may look unnecessary and mostly it is probably but it gives some possibilities for CSS styling if needed (And you don't want to make your own function using the "get" ones).
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