Redirect URL after input a correct password on protect album

I have just test on with default theme.

My zenphoto installation is not at root path, it is "zenphoto", so the redirect URL in password form is

However, the redirect in functions.php is
header("Location: " . FULLWEBPATH . "/" . sanitize_path($_POST['redirect']));

Then, the outcome is

My temp solution is replace the FULLWEBPATH to "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']


  • Fix will be in the nightly tonight. Thanks for the report.
  • I found that in 1.2.7 changed to

    $redirect_to = sanitize_path($_POST['redirect']);
    if (strpos($redirect_to,WEBPATH.'/')===0) {^M
    $redirect_to = substr($redirect_to,strlen(WEBPATH)+1);

    but seem the sanitize_path() remove the first '/' of the path, the if case is false, so the redirect path still incorrect.
  • Ok, fixed in tonight's build
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