The requested URL /zenphoto/zenphoto/index.php was not found on this server.
i got an error, with version 1.2.7. i took the album behind the album protection, after i insert my username und passwort i get the error. When i click back in the browser i can see the album. so maybe there is just a link broken
this link is showing after i insert the correct username and passwort
@uuu: it sounds like you have an error for sure, but it's just a configuration error. Either your rewrite rules are borked, or you've moved your gallery maybe and haven't re-run setup.
My guess would be that you uploaded the tarball, unpacked it in zenphoto which then created a zenphoto folder, you ran setup, and then fixed the directory structure afterwards? Have you since re-run setup? We need more details as to how you've come to this problem to be able to help you.
i put it in zp-core instead fo zp-data.
no everything is working fine.