Install Error 1.2.7

Hi all,

I have installed ZenPhoto successfully before but now I am trying to install it onto another webserver (Though using the same webhost).

I unzipped and extracted the files to /gallery and it comes up with internal server error 500. This is when I visit the index.php file in the gallery directory. Everything else comes up with the same error. Can somebody please help? I have deleted the htaccess file in the root directory as recommended but no success.

Many thanks


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you also uncheck the "modrewrite" option? If not Zenphoto thinks it should use modrewrite links which will not work if there is no htaccess file.
  • I went into the error log and changed the group user write files so that they can't. This fixed the error. Would it leave the gallery open to any security threats now?
  • I changed all the permissions for the folders to be 755 and 644 for files and it didn't work. Well I can access the index file but I can't get access to the albums.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As noted not all servers allow those setting. Maybe you have to use 777 on yours. You also did not answer the modrewrite question.
  • i have the same problem
    is correct my setup?

    * Versione PHP: 5.2.11
    * PHP Safe Mode
    * PHP magic_quotes_gpc [enabled]

    * Supporto di PHP a gettext()
    * Pacchetto PHP mbstring [Il proprio set di caratteri interno è ISO-8859-1]

    * Supporto a MySQL di PHP
    * File zp-config.php
    * Permessi file/cartella [sono stretti (0755)] Attenzione! fare clic per i dettagli

    * Setup MySQL in zp-config.php

    * File Zenphoto fondamentali
    * File .htaccess (RewriteEngine è OFF)
    * File robots.txt
    * cartella albums
    * cartella cache
    * Cartelle locale
    * cartella (uploaded) caricato
    * cartella zp-data
    * cartella (cache_html) Cache HTML
    * cartella (plugins) Plug-in di terze parti
  • in the setup log: Query error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
  • For the SQL error you will need to speak with your service provider. This might be an incorrect MySQL user/password, but usually those errors are more specific. It may be a configuration issue with PHP/MySql on your server.
  • "As noted not all servers allow those setting. Maybe you have to use 777 on yours. You also did not answer the modrewrite question. "Ah sorry missed the modwrite part. I had it selected without even knowing, so I have deselected it and now it works. Thank you! :)
  • where can i deselect the modwrite?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the backend options.
  • ok but i'm creating a new site with setup.php
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    After setup completes you can visit either the site or the backend. Just visit the backend and disable the option. (btw, a server today should really support modrewrite in my opinion).
  • the problem is that the setup do not completes. i write what im trying to do: i unpack the zenphoto 1.2.7 after i upload the files, go to my url for the setup, i insert the mysql userid and after clicked on go i have this "Internal Server Error". i cannot do anymore :(
  • If you are still getting the log entry that says Zenphoto could not connect to the MySQL server you will need to resolve that. Zenphoto cannot run without the database.
  • ok ive tried another thing, i installed correctly the 1.2.6 rc 2 version and it works! as you can see at, but if try to update this site i got the internal server error, any suggestion?
  • Try relaxing the permissions on the files/folders. Also try removing the .htaccess file. Finally, maybe your Provider can tell you what server error you are getting.
  • thank you for the patience!!! the problem was the permission rights, i dont known why the changed... but now its online!!! :)
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