flowplayer3 1.2.7 always stretches video

flowplayer height is 504. flowplayer width is 600. this allows a 5x4 ratio player area taking into account the 24px height of the controls (480+24).

i have .mp4 files of varying dimensions. i wanted to have videos fit to this size, but no matter what the dimensions of the video or the settings chosen in options-plugins, the video is always stretched to fill the entire space of the player area.

i've tested this in zenphoto 1.2.7 both with my custom theme and the included themes, and the problem exists for all themes.

if i hand edit the source in my browser, i can make it scale correctly. the change would correspond to lines 198 and 211 of flowplayer3.php. in both places it would be changing

`autobuffering: true`


`autobuffering: true,

scaling: '.scaling.'`


  • as a temporary fix, i've switched to using flvplayer, which is scaling just fine. i just happen to like the look of flowplayer a bit better.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You are right, we forgot to add that parameter call...Thanks.

    `scaling: '.scaling.'`
    should of course be
  • new version from latest nightly build works great. thank you very much.
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