i need to use php mailer on my site where can i find the plug in that's shown here:
http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/12/phpmailer/according to this:
http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/_zp-extensions---PHPMailer.php.htmlit's here:
Source Location: /zp-extensions/PHPMailer.php
but the are no folders named zp-extensions as far as i can tell.
after downloading 1.2.7 i see this folder inside of zp-core..
I'm having trouble getting phpmailer to send mail. I am using php 5.
Mail protocol SMTP .
Mail pssword is correct
Mail user is correct
Outgoing mail server is correct
POP port 110
Secure mail tried both
SMTP port 25
according to this from my host:
there needs to be a "from" ( $mail->From="youremail@yourdomain.com" )
i'm just guessing at the problem. any ideas?
Mail protocol POP3 SMTP SendMail Mail protocal to use.
Mail pssword Password for mail server.
Mail user User ID for mail server.
Outgoing mail server Outgoing mail server.
POP port POP port number.
Secure mail Set to use SSL protocol.
SMTP port
there is no from field.
there are a lot of spelling errors BTW.
`there are a lot of spelling errors BTW.` Don't suppose you would mind saying what.
I'm having trouble getting phpmailer to send mail. I am using php 5. All my settings in the field are correct.
any ideas?
I'm not sure if the "from" is the problem. that was a guess.
I'm not sure if i am understanding you correctly.
does the admin user email need to be the same?
the error message i get is:
PHPMailer failed to send test (mywebsite). ErrorInfo:SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: myemail@gmail.com
i have set up the email address on our mail server which is mail.mywebsite.com
i sent a test email from my personal email to the admin email wih out a problem.
where can i specify the "from" part?
Your form is using the visitor as From address, please check the codes of your contact form. The From address should be the admin email.
I guess that's just there thing?
Can you give me a hint as to where I need to change this on PHPMailer.php
$mail->From = $from_mail;
chandged to
$mail->From = 'myemail';