suggestion to make printAlbumMenu validate

i wasn't sure where to put this. it's sort of a bug, but only if you care if your pages are generating valid xhtml. i suppose it could also be a feature request.

while testing 1.2.7 with my theme i saw that pages weren't validating if there was a $css_class_active printed in the menu. looking at the code i saw that it was printing something like:


with a double space after the a and no space between the class and the address. after changing the beginning of lines 197 and 199 of print_album_menu.php from:

`$link = "
<a".$current." href='"`...

the page validated. thought i'd post it in case it helps anyone.

(i edited this post to keep it from being too wide. there is more to those lines.)


  • We will get this changed in the nightly build.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks, of course we mean to have themes generally validate xhtml (transitional).
  • it's great to use a software package that not only works so well, but has developers that respond so quickly. thank you for building and maintaining this great tool.
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