Let user add new album

I'm stuck on the following issue:

I have 1 master user/admin with all rights and 1 usergroup with the following rights:
- album
- upload

I had 1 album created by admin and uploaded photoos, no problems.
I created an album and gave the mentioned usergroup rights to that album.

Every new user is automatically added to this usergroup. Every registered user should be able to add a new album and upload own pictures but I keep getting errors if I logon as "group-user" and choose "new album". If the user goes to "admin" via the panel, they can add an album, it seems they create a subfolder in the root of the album I gave them access to.

The url is test.blankwaard.com/zenphoto. You can create a user id if you wish.


  • `Albums rights` only gives users access to albums to which they have been assigned. This means that your users only have access to the one album created by the admin and can only add albums within it. If you want for users to be able to add albums to the root, you'll need to give them `Manage all albums rights` which, as the name implies, means that users can administer all albums. You can read here for more info: http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/07/an-overview-of-zenphoto-users/

    If that is not what you want, then you should explain a bit more about what you're trying to accomplish. If we know what you're trying to do we can try to make a suggestion :)
  • Hi kagutsuchi, your reply is clear; it concerns a website for a bar on which visitors can publish their own photos. The solution (sub-albums) is fine, we can make a main album like 2009, 2010 e.s.o.

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