Several registration issues

I'm struggling with the registration part of the ZP script, I read the tutorials and instructions but I'm not a PHP prof.

- After a visitor fills in the registration form, there's no sign of a "thank you" or some message which reports a successful request?
- I would like to customize the email sent for reg.completion; a want to add some instructions/explanation about the rights and how to upload photos.

I'm not sure if this is important: the language is set to Dutch.



  • After a user submits the registration, he should be automatically redirected to a confirmation page. If you are not seeing that confirmation page, what exactly are you experiencing?

    As far as I know, the only way to customize the registration e-mail is to edit the `register_user` plugin. The message can be found on line 198 in the file. If you do not feel comfortable editing this yourself, feel free to open a ticket on the bugtracker as this seems to me to be a viable request.
  • Hi,

    After registration the visitor is redirected to the frontpage, without any message. So there's no sign for the visitor that the registration was successful.

    I will check the register_user plugin.

  • The registration form should be redirecting back to itself to handle the form's POST. Are the registrations going through? If so, you may need to clear your cookies. The registration script should only redirect to the index once registration is complete (the user is verified) or if you are already logged in.
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