I'm struggling with the registration part of the ZP script, I read the tutorials and instructions but I'm not a PHP prof.
- After a visitor fills in the registration form, there's no sign of a "thank you" or some message which reports a successful request?
- I would like to customize the email sent for reg.completion; a want to add some instructions/explanation about the rights and how to upload photos.
I'm not sure if this is important: the language is set to Dutch.
As far as I know, the only way to customize the registration e-mail is to edit the `register_user` plugin. The message can be found on line 198 in the file. If you do not feel comfortable editing this yourself, feel free to open a ticket on the bugtracker as this seems to me to be a viable request.
After registration the visitor is redirected to the frontpage, without any message. So there's no sign for the visitor that the registration was successful.
I will check the register_user plugin.