white screen

all of the sudden i get a white screen, to fix it:
I granted 755 permission for all files in screaming400. Then added "php_flag display_errors On" at the end of file ".htaccess" file. It then display the error.

Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /mywebsite/zp-core/zp-extensions/html_meta_tags.php on line 259

I checked the code line 259 in the file "mywebsite/zp-core/zp-extensions/html_meta_tags.php" which is mentioned in the error.
I find the section is about "Helper function to print the album and image tags or the news article categories list".

I set the limit to 10000. Then the site is working again.

is this going to break the site later?
what do i need to do to set the characters to <1000?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I have no idea and I have not seen this before. The <1000 is actually required by the specifications of the meta html tag used. It does not be more than 1000 characters.

    How is your site setup? Do you use Zenpage, do you have news categories?
  • i have not enabled zenpage yet.
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