all of the sudden i get a white screen, to fix it:
I granted 755 permission for all files in screaming400. Then added "php_flag display_errors On" at the end of file ".htaccess" file. It then display the error.
Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /mywebsite/zp-core/zp-extensions/html_meta_tags.php on line 259
I checked the code line 259 in the file "mywebsite/zp-core/zp-extensions/html_meta_tags.php" which is mentioned in the error.
I find the section is about "Helper function to print the album and image tags or the news article categories list".
I set the limit to 10000. Then the site is working again.
is this going to break the site later?
what do i need to do to set the characters to <1000?
How is your site setup? Do you use Zenpage, do you have news categories?