popup window

on the "image.php in themes, when you view the original image, is there a way of opening a popup that is simply closed as opposed to "going back"?


  • thanks for the quick response. Love zenphoto.
  • I got that easy enough. I wanted to start simple and then add code below(I have some js linked in the head section). This comes from a gallery, a static site. I have done this a few different ways and although the image opens in a seperate window, I am trying to get the window to open only the size of the original image. My old gallery opens this popup in the top left corner of the screen. I know it's a simple solution (hope). any help appreciated, thanks for "zen".
    target="popUpWin" onclick="popUpWin(this.href,'console',640,480);return false;"> | click here to view larger image
  • sorry, my last post seemed to turn into a link
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