printRandomImages does not always display the correct number of images


on i would like to have a random image show on the right of the logo. but sometimes it does and other times it does not.. you may have to refresh several times for proof.

here is my code on the index page:
if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();


<?php printRandomImages(1, 'randomtopimage', 'all', '', 275, 158,true); ?>

<?php if(hasPrevPage() || hasNextPage() ) { printPageListWithNav('<Prev', 'Next>', false , 'pagelist', 'pagelist');} ?>

<?php include_once('footer.php') ?>


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Might be the browser cache playing tricks. I did saw always one. Best you look at the source code when actually none is appearing as expected and look that the image url. It might be related to the empty albums (although I would not know why it should).

    Btw, you did load jQuery twice. It is, although an older version for several reasons, already loaded by zenphoto itself as it is the default js libary.
  • Thanks for the tip.. i did remove the extra jquery references.. I also deleted the empty folders. I have tested that page about 40 times and an image showed up each time..

    thanks.. hopefully this will continue to be correct.
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