Tag cloud invalid links

In a new zenphoto gallery I'm currently working on, when I insert a tag cloud link in the sidebar (`<?php printAllTagsAs("cloud", "", "abc", FALSE, TRUE, 1.5, 80, 5, NULL); ?>`), it produces invalid links caused by excess characters, e.g. http://eldoradito.dk/zen/page/search/"kaffe" - instead of http://eldoradito.dk/zen/page/search/kaffe - the two instances of "%22" breaking the link.

Any ideas of how to correct this?


  • Those are quotes htmlencoded. They should work as links. But maybe we do not need to quote tags which are alphanumeric. We will make a change for that probably in tonight's build.
  • Well, it obviously doesn't work.

    If and when you make a change in "tonight's build" will you let me know? - and how to include the change in my site, please!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think the fix is in last nights build. You can check on every change yourself here: http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/timeline

    how to include the change in my site, please!

  • Quotes work on most sites. Sorry that is not the case for yours. Change is up.

    You will have a problem, though, if you have non alpha-numeric characters (e.g. spaces, etc.) in a tag. For that to work, the tag MUST be quoted.
  • Your solution worked half way - and thanks for that!

    However, I still have problems with Danish special characters like "ø". If that could be corrected too, I would be most grateful!
  • Not sure about that one. I'll have to figure out which characters have to be quoted.
  • Ok, tonight's build. Just don't use the characters search uses for its syntax `!&|'"()` and the peck mark. If you do, there is nothing I can do for you.
  • THANK YOU, Stephen! That works for me. So now I'll continue making the final touches to the layout of my gallery before going public...
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