i just enabled the xmp extension, check the file format in the options and check that my file had xmp datas.
the function getImageData('EXIFLensInfo')does not return anything so i look in the image : print_r($_zp_current_image)).
the fields [EXIFFLensType] => [EXIFLensInfo] => are empty to.
where am i wrong ?
by the way, there is 2F in the field name EXIFFLensType, is it a bug ?
Where do you see the 2F?
i check again, there is lens data on the field aux:lens
You should open a ticket on this and attach the image that is not being correctly processed.
You should open a ticket on this and attach the image that is not being correctly processed.
Yesterday, i look at exif and nikon.php and found a possible improuvement in nikon.php line 105 for constant aperture zoom-lenses :
if ($minFL == $maxFL) {
$data = sprintf('%0.0f f/%0.0f',$minFL,$minSP);
} elseif ($minSP == $maxSP) {
$data = sprintf('%0.0f-%0.0fmm f/%0.1f',$minFL,$maxFL,$minSP);
} else {
$data = sprintf('%0.0f-%0.0fmm f/%0.1f-%0.1f',$minFL,$maxFL,$minSP,$maxSP);
and a post about exif datas in nikon lenses. Especially, at the end, how to calculate the exact lens type from a bunch of exif infos.
Just a note, we are preparing the 1.2.8 release now, so will not make any changes that add new text to be translated until after that release.