how to print xmp data ?


i just enabled the xmp extension, check the file format in the options and check that my file had xmp datas.

the function getImageData('EXIFLensInfo')does not return anything so i look in the image : print_r($_zp_current_image)).

the fields [EXIFFLensType] => [EXIFLensInfo] => are empty to.

where am i wrong ?


by the way, there is 2F in the field name EXIFFLensType, is it a bug ?


  • Maybe your XMP data does not have the fields `aux:Lens`. There is no mapping defined for LensType.

    Where do you see the 2F?
  • for the two F, they are in EXIFFLensType.

    i check again, there is lens data on the field aux:lens
  • The field should be EXIFLensType. We will fix that.

    You should open a ticket on this and attach the image that is not being correctly processed.
  • The field should be EXIFLensType. We will fix that.

    You should open a ticket on this and attach the image that is not being correctly processed.
  • ok, thanks again.
  • After further investigation of the image you supplied. Seems there is a part of the standard that allows a shorthand notation. We did not implement that, but with tonight's nightly build it is there.
  • ok, i will try it.

    Yesterday, i look at exif and nikon.php and found a possible improuvement in nikon.php line 105 for constant aperture zoom-lenses :
    if ($minFL == $maxFL) {
    $data = sprintf('%0.0f f/%0.0f',$minFL,$minSP);
    } elseif ($minSP == $maxSP) {
    $data = sprintf('%0.0f-%0.0fmm f/%0.1f',$minFL,$maxFL,$minSP);

    } else {
    $data = sprintf('%0.0f-%0.0fmm f/%0.1f-%0.1f',$minFL,$maxFL,$minSP,$maxSP);

    and a post about exif datas in nikon lenses. Especially, at the end, how to calculate the exact lens type from a bunch of exif infos.
  • I'll add the code you show above. Thanks. If you are interested in improving the nikon exif handler we would welcome your changes. The best way to do this is to make the chagnes, test them out, and attach your changed nikon.php to a ticket on the Trac system.

    Just a note, we are preparing the 1.2.8 release now, so will not make any changes that add new text to be translated until after that release.
  • ok, i will do my best but i m not really sure to understand how the data are extracted and parsed from the exif infos.
  • That makes 2 of us. This stuff is pretty obscure code.
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