Here's a little hack for those of you who would like to insert the full image with the Zenpress plugin. I don't know why it wasn't included to begin with.
You have to add some lines in a couple files.
STEP 1 - ADD this line at line 67 in classes.php:
`array('value' => 'image','title' => 'Image','onclick' => 'zenpressPopup.changeHandler()'),`
STEP 2 - ADD this line at line 66 in functions.js:
`if (whatValue=="image") {
if (modRewrite) {
path = webPath+"/albums/"+albumUrl+"/"+imageUrl
} else {
path = webPath+"/zen/i.php?a="+albumUrl+"&i="+imageUrl+"&s=thumb";
} imageHTML += '
I'm actually not too sure what the correct code for the else statement for modRewrite should be, so anybody who doesn't have modRewrite on, I don't know if this will work.
And that should be it.
The only other thing, if you want change the default selection for the image format open up classes.php and change line 39 from:
`$_POST['what'] ? $wh = $_POST['what'] : $wh = 'thumb';`
`$_POST['what'] ? $wh = $_POST['what'] : $wh = 'image';`
[code]path = webPath+"/zen/i.php?a="+albumUrl+"&i="+imageUrl;[/code]