Hi all,
There is a new version of the slideshow_flash plugin available, which should be compatible with Zenphoto v1.2.7+ (new plugin folder structure etc).
Download v1.2.0 hereIf people with v1.2.7 or later of Zenphoto installed can give this a try and check it works I'd be grateful, as although I've had time to fix up the code, I haven't had a chance to upgrade my own Zenphoto install yet to test it. Feedback gratefully received!
Thanks all - and thanks to the people in
this thread who identified the problems and how to fix.
I haven't been able to get this to work. ZenPhoto 1.2.8. With the files all in their places, I get a plain page:
Alternative content
With a button to download Flash.
I have tested this on OS X and Linux (thinking Flash wasn't set up right on linux), and they behave similarly.
If you'd like to test, here's a URL with the plugin enabled:
http://imagegallery.t3hmikez0r.com/2005/Photo Class/
I have the other slideshow enabled also - but even with it disabled, this shows the same behavior.
Thanks for your patience!
Give it a go and let me know if there are any problems!
Download v1.2.2 here.
Thanks Mark, that's fixed it. Tested on Firefox, IE8 and Google Chrome.
Cheers, Russell
Three comments:
1) I had to make the following change in order to get this to work on zenphoto 1.2.8 (With the new plugin folder location) change all instances of:
"<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER; ?>
"<?php echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER; ?>
2) Long captions do not wrap in the flash viewer, can this be changed?
3) Thanks for sharing this, it is much better than the default flash slideshow plugin!
Btw. the default flash slideshow is actually not really a slideshow but a videoplayer showing images...;-)
@mr. sheep - after commenting i realized that the flash editor you were using was open source, so i downloaded the source and made the changes that i wanted. if possible i would like to get these changes moved into the trunk, either as defaults or as an option that can be enabled. Please let me know how we can best do this!
Re source update: very happy to merge your changes in, unfortunately because of the way my web host does subversion hosting, I only have one login for it so can't share that, however if you'd like to drop me a patch/instructions/updated sources, I'll happily merge them in on your behalf, test it out, and assuming all works, merge it into the trunk for a new release.
i will work on getting a subversion patch for you to test out.
I get this error message in my severs logs...
[Fri Jul 23 10:58:54 2010] [error] [client *.*.*.*] PHP Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /var/www/vhosts/gordon-valentine.com/httpdocs/photos2/plugins/slideshow_flash.php on line 73
Did you have a look at it?
I've fixed the problem by changing "printSlideShowFlashLink" function like this:
`$hint = '';
$show = true ;
if (checkForPassword($hint,$show)) return;`
This works fine with V1.3 but should not work with 1.2.x because it seems "checkForPassword" function has 2 arguments in V1.3.
Tell me if it works for you!
Besidees that checkForPassword needs to be removed this initial warning is normally caused by something like this:
`function(getVar());` PHP 5 (or is it 5.2+?) is a little stricter if the `getVar()` value is passed as a reference. To solve this you need to do this:
`$var = getVar(); function($var);`
I've found a bug with the plugin.
My gallery is protected by a single and unique password, so users have to login once.
If I send a link to a full-screen slideshow powered by the plugin (something like myZenphotoGallery.com/myAlbum/page/slideshow_flash), and if the user has to enter login/password, after successfully registering, an error occurs:
`Fatal error: Call to a member function getTitle() on a non-object in /myZenphotoGallery/plugins/slideshow_flash.php on line 151`
This problem doesn't occur if I try the same thing with a normal link to an album. Has anyone got an idea?
"myZenphotoGallery.com/myAlbum/mySubalbum/page/slideshow_flash", but I don't know how it works too!
The question is:
In a file like "album.php", there is something in the file which looks at the user's session and if the user has permissions to access the file.
If not, he has to login. After login, he is automatically redirected to "album.php" and functions like this work:
`$album = $_zp_current_album;
$albumtitle = $album->getTitle();`
This is not the same with the plugin. If the user is already connected (no login step), a function like `$albumtitle = $album->getTitle();` works. If not, this doesn't work. Why?
The function `$albumtitle = $album->getTitle();` is agnostic to whether a user is logged in or not. So it will always work if `$album` is a valid album object. However, whatever the process to set the `$album` variable might fail if a user is not allowed to view the specific album.
This is back to how the plugin works, which we do not know. For instance, it may be allowed to access the "slideshow-flash" script without being logged in, but it definately will not be allowed to access a protected album if you do not have the permissions. Please look at your gallery option for unprotected pages. If you want this slideshow-flash script protected then it must be checked in the list. Since it is not a "standard" page it is likely it is not marked as protected.