I'm sure they don't exceed the server limit! So that a little bit strange situation It's like the download paused in one time! There was few rare cases, when there were downloaded more images than 3, but never the whole list (for example of 10 pictures). These rare cases was in previous versions of Zenphoto.
If you want i can attach a printscreen. Can i upload it somewhere in forum?
You are having some kind of problem with your site/browser. This works for us with reasonable sized files. So you will have to find out what error is occurring and where before we can help. In the mean time, as the comment says, if the multi-file upload does not work for you, use the HTML based one.
But if i cancel one of these downloaded images another one began to download. But not more than 3 in summ.
If you want i can attach a printscreen. Can i upload it somewhere in forum?