Error: An attempt at cross site reference forgery has been blocked.

After it did not work on one webserver, I tried it on another one I have access to. No sucess either. However, the setup script started working. It gave me several warnings and two Errors. The 2 issues I was not able to solve:

1. register_globals seems to be on. I clicked to ignore it, however, it continues showing up as Error instead of warning.

2. I had to manually edit zenphoto.cfg (database name, database user und password, everything else left to default settings). However, once edited, I got this when accessing the zenphoto - folder:
"An attempt at cross site reference forgery has been blocked."

Any idea what might be wrong here...?

Thanks in advance!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. That really really should be off. It is deprecated and will be gone in future PHP versions.

    2. If you had to manually edit that you probably have some permission issues on your server. The error you got happens if you try to access a backend page via a direct link. The backend checks for a specific generated token and if missing it blocks access.
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