spanish installation bug in ajaxfilemanager

Have been working on a spanish friends site. when I set the language in the admin options to spanish everything works except for the ajaxfilemanager.. just alot of garbled errors displaying as seen here

tried some other languages like japanese and polish but these don´t reproduce this problem

running 1.2.8 RC1

any thoughts?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is not our fault. You can read about it here:
  • thanks acryllian, deleting the es.php language as suggested in the thread resulted in an working english version..

    ps changing dates with the calendar widget in zenpage news/pages also turned out to be defect when running in spanish..manually entering dates hoewever no problem
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Good, maybe some one could just update the Spanish translation...:-) The calendar is a jQuery UI plugin that also has its own translations we just took, to be found in `zp-core/js/jqueryui/i18n`. (we use currently the older version of jQuery).
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