HTML displayed instead of text

Many times in various areas of Admin, instead of showing the text, it shows the direct html code..though it works properly and is clickable but unreadable. This is happening since I upgraded to 1.2.7 ZP and ever since.

Sample text :

DATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#albumList') .sortable({items:'div',cursor:'move', tolerance:'tolerance', opacity:0.8, update:function(){populateHiddenVars();}, handle:'.handle', axis:'y', containment:'table', placeholder:'zensortable_row'}); }); // ]]>

is shown on top of Albums Page in Admin.

On refreshing this text goes away.

Any source of this weird behavior?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is an issue in Webkit based browser like Safari or Chrome (you again did not tell which one you use!!). They sometimes show JavaScript code where they should not. Actually this does no harm, Only fix is to use another browser.

    For (hopefully) 1.2.9 we will be reworking/updating all of our Javascript sorting stuff that hopefully will fix this.
  • Sorry...should also specify browser always. Chrome Dev.
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