Many times in various areas of Admin, instead of showing the text, it shows the direct html code..though it works properly and is clickable but unreadable. This is happening since I upgraded to 1.2.7 ZP and ever since.
Sample text :
DATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#albumList') .sortable({items:'div',cursor:'move', tolerance:'tolerance', opacity:0.8, update:function(){populateHiddenVars();}, handle:'.handle', axis:'y', containment:'table', placeholder:'zensortable_row'}); }); // ]]>
is shown on top of Albums Page in Admin.
On refreshing this text goes away.
Any source of this weird behavior?
For (hopefully) 1.2.9 we will be reworking/updating all of our Javascript sorting stuff that hopefully will fix this.