ftp upload gives errors

sorry, for posting it here! but i don't know how to work with trac.

when uploading a large number of fullsize images with ftp, you'll get the following error while browsing sites in admin, as well as the frontend. would be kinda confusion for the users to see this, while browsing.

Warning: getimagesize(IMAGE-URL) [function.getimagesize]:
failed to open stream: Permission denied
in / ... /zp-core/lib-GD.php on line 309

Warning: getimagesize(IMAGE-URL) [function.getimagesize]:
failed to open stream: Permission denied
in / ... /archiv/zp-core/lib-GD.php on line 32
its caused by unfinished images in the process of uploading. i've uploaded some fullsize images (about 50 images with 12MP) into an album.


  • Please review the troubleshooting guide with respect to image size. Also insure that when you upload images you have given them file permissions that allows Zenphoto to access them.
  • mh, do you mean the part with the size-table? i am running on a vps with lighttpd setup.
    my images are processed fine once, they are uploaded and i don't have any more errors after the upload is finished. maybe i am wrong, but to me it just seems like it can't handle half finished files. its understandable but i wonder if there is a way to mute the error, since an upload on that size can take an hour on my line.
  • Well yes, if the file is in the process of being uploaded when Zenphoto discovers it it will not be processed correctly. You can configure PHP to not place the error message on the WEB output (just in the CGI log.) I can't remember specifically which INI file setting that is at the moment.
  • Another option would be to use the schedule content utility to set the default for images to be unpublished, then after the upload publish them.
  • ok thanks. what do you mean by schedule content utility? where can i find it? i haven't figured out yet, how to add stuff unpublished by default.
  • Look on the overview page of admin. It is one of the buttons.
  • happy new year!!

    i was away for the weekend and while i'm back now, i have activated the button. makes a few things better and easier for my side, but i'm still having this problem. it won't be fixed for my install this way, since i give every user an account and users can only see their albums with the containing subalbums. there are no published albums at all. every user needs to be manager to view its own album and its no way to hide it while uploading. i just use zen for giving my users the chance to review the my photos of them (usually portraits) and download the zips with the images.

    one way would be, to assign a managed user for every subalbum (seems not to be implemented).

    but i have another question regarding ftp uploads. if i create a new album in the admin page it's always 755 for the webservers user (www-data on debian). its not possible to login with this user on debian over ssh and i have to set the directory to 775 by hand. is there an option to change it by default to 775? if not i could probably change the line in the code or find a solution outside zen.

    i have to add: zen works perfectly for the task i use it for! nice work, guys! :)
  • When you run Setup, look at the File/Folder permissions entry on the system check. Ther is a link there where you can set the default file/folder permissions. Select "Relaxed".
  • ok, thanks allot. i'll give it a try
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