Full view with special character


I think there is a little bug. When I want to dsiplay image full view and if the path of the picture contain special character like ë é à ... the full view (with or without thickbox) do not display the image. An error message say that ZP don't find the picture but in thumb view or normal view the picture is diplayed correctly.

You can have a look at: http://www.bevibes.fr/zenphoto



  • Hi,

    Try to activate the filter-zenphoto_seo, maybe it will help.
    I also notice a space between 2009 and juin. You have to remove the space.

  • I try with and without SEO but always the same issue.
    If thumbs an normal view are good, I think it's just a little bug and remove space and special character will reduce the readability.

  • I just test on my site with some words like : "vue des rizières" and i have no error, with or without thickbox.
    I do the test with the zenpage-default theme, like you.
    Did you change somethings in the image.php file ?

  • NO image.php is unchanged but what is the version of your zenphoto install? Mine 1.2.8 RC1 nightly build of 30/12/2009.

    I'm tested with default theme and there is the same problem...
  • My version is : Version de Zenphoto 1.2.8_RC1 [4836] (Version officielle).
    I's not the nightly build.
  • If this is a "bug" the it is with your server. (I suspect that the server will not consider it a bug, though.) Many servers will not allow accented characters in file names. This is the main reason we recommend you keep the file names SOE friendly and place the accented characters in the title.
  • I tried ZP on wamp server on my local PC and there is the same problem.
    But I find that if I uncheck UTF-8 picture's URI the problem is opposite. I mean that thumbs view and and normal view doesn't work but full view work !!!

    In my cache image folder, for directorys with special character or space, there are 2 folder creating.
    Exemple for an image directory called "pôle Mécanique"
    In my cache folder, there is one directory called "Pôle Mécanique" which contains all thumbs, and one folder called "Ple Mcanique" which is empty.

    Strange or normal??? Bug or not bug ???
  • Trying on ZP 1.2.6 with SEO fileter deactivate and UTF-8 URI checked. All works great!

    What's the matter with 1.2.8 ???
  • Propbably nothing. Many servers are unable to deal with anything but simpel ascii characters. Beyond that, the representation of those accented characters is different from ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8. The extra folder is from a problem with some PHP functions.

    Deactivating the SEO filter removes all those characters so it won't matter if you select ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8.

    Anyway, as always, we recommend that you DO NOT use any accented characters in file/folder names for just this reason.
  • ok, I understand that I don't must use special character but as I say on top off this topic in french language removing special character reduce readability. I use ZP as an automatic backup of my photo collection so I prefer not change directory's names. So sorry for my obstinacy... ;)

    However I think there is a little problem with ZP 1.2.8 because there is the same problem on 2 differents servers (linux apache and windows apache). And why the generation of thumbs work great and not the full view of the picture? In the cache folder there are the same special characters and it works. I don't want to be boring or insistent with you...
  • I really can't answer your question, specially since we have made no changes between 1.2.6 and 1.2.8 with regard to the handling of accented characters.

    I think also that we need to be sure we are talking of the same things. In Zenphoto we make a distinction between the "normal sized" image that is displayed on an image page and the "full sized" image that is unprocessed by Zenphoto.

    Please restate what works under which conditions being sure to use that terminology.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Also note that there is a difference between the file/folder names of images and albums and their title! Just don't use special characters on file/folders but using them for the title should not be the problem (Note I am German and we have some specials chars, too).
  • Ok for the terminology. I understand that thumbs and "normal" are processed and stored in the cache folder with the same path (including special character) than the albums folder. Full view report only a link to the original image in albums folder (without processing) but some check are done (password, external link, etc...).

    I found a lot of difference in full-image.php but I don't know PHP.
    The code to get $image_path, $suffix, $cache_file is different between 1.2.6 and 1.2.8.

    Just a precision: when I go to full view of an image (in a path with special character) I got an error 404 so I think the problem is with the URI.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Does opening files with specials chars directly work on your webspace at all? I mean without Zenphoto, just a plain `www.site.com/image(2).jpg` or the like?
  • No I get an error 404
  • You can test at http://www.bevibes.fr/zenphoto for the 1.2.8 and http://www.bevibes.fr/zp6 for the 1.2.6.

    With 1.2.6 the www.site.com/image.jpg works
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I see but I have to pass that to sbillard as I am not familiar with the full image display stuff.
  • Found the issue. It will be fixed in tonight's build.
  • Thank you very much !!!!!!
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