Tags don't work in Internet Explorer

On my website I have since 2 days tags enabled. This works fine with Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome. When I select a tag with Internet Explorer 7 or 8 it doesn't work. When selecting a tag in IE it takes me to the tagpage but when I select a image it will show only the first image within the tagstructure, the rest of the images outside the tag structure.

With other browsers: Index | Tags | Meridiana - EI-DEZ
With IE browsers: Index | 2009 | Amsterdam (EHAM) | Meridiana - EI-DEZ

You can see my problem @ http://www.aogphotos.com

Can somebody help me with this one?



  • flu Member
    Hi, I've no idea about your problem with IE but I've noticed something : your tags don't work when you use a bracket inside, for example here :
    aogphotos.com/gallery/2009/Volkel (EHVK)/IMG_9059.jpg.php

    if you select the tag below, the "Antonov An-2T" one will work but the "Deutsche Lufthansa (Classic Wings)" one won't.
    Maybe you should just avoid brackets in your tags ?
  • Hi Flu...thanks for your reply,

    I checked the bracket "problem" and indeed....no tags with brackets. So I will remove the brackets in the tags.

    I checked all my zenphoto php files again today and I still can't figure out why the tags doesn't work with IE.

    Maybe someone can help me on this one.

  • I found the problem...

    Because my website is a zenphoto/wordpress one I have to include the header like:
    [code]<?php get_header(); ?>[/code]
    When I remove the header the tags are working but the website missing the css/javascripts etc. files.

    Is it correct that zenphoto can not work with [code]<?php get_header(); ?>[/code]?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We use `get_header` on our site, too. But we don't use or even tried brackets in tags names. I would consider a "special character" that we always recommend to avoid in file/folder names and anything that is used in urls.
  • Sounds like there is some kind of conflict between the Zenphoto and WOrdpress Javascripts.
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