adding descriptive fields

is it "difficult" to add descriptive fields to image.php, I noticed ajax edit in place and wondered if the interface of zenphoto was able to add more fields in the admin area or the image.php area. I am pretty much a novice, don't mind being directed to other sources to explore "how", thanks. I want to add "demensions" of item, width, height, etc.


  • Well, dimensions of the images can already be expressed using a different function in your theme. You can use functions like getSizeFullImage(), getFullWidth(), and getFullHeight()
  • what I'm trying to do is add text to the image to actually describe the object in the image, say, 30" tall. I would like to be able to have "height:xxx", " with xxx being field that I can just drop the numbers into, between height and " (inches). this would allow me to style the description diffently than demensions and save time on adding information. thanks
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