swf support


I want to display swf files on my zenphoto gallery, any way to do this?



  • There is nothing currently. However, certain themes use the adobe flash player to run specific SWF applications. You could adapt the text_object plugin to handle generic SWF using these specific cases as a starting point.
  • work great!

  • Maybe you could make your plugin available to the general community.
  • Yes but I have a problem with this, when text_object plugin is enabled all albums thumbs are broken.

    I have one album with 2 files: file-name.txt and file-name.jpg
    the thumb created on cache folder is : _{zp-core}_{images}_imageDefault.png_100_thumb.png

    How can I fix this?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you don't have a image for a text object the default image is used. Please post a link otherwise we are guessing.
  • Okay I found why,
    I made a change to class-textobject.php file :
    addPluginType('txt', 'TextObject') replaced by addPluginType('html', 'TextObject')

    with this change every thing work fine except the album thumbs

    I don't want to use txt files beacause I prefer to have url like :

    instead of


    Any way to get this working??

    Thank you for your help.
  • Do video thumbs work? Do textobject thumbs work for the unmodified textobject plugin?
  • yes thumbs work fine with the unmodified textobject plugin
  • Off hand, then I do not have any ideas. The code that is used to get the alternative thumb is not sensitive to the suffix (Same code used for video as for standard text object)
  • I modified the textobject plugin to add `htm` and tried this out. Everything worked as expected. So maybe you don't have the thumb image setup in the folder?
  • yes I have the thumb image within the album folder,

    what I don"t understan is why the thumb created on cache folder had this format : _{zp-core}_{images}_imageDefault.png_100_thumb.png

    I'm testing this out on localhost so I can"t give a live example.
  • That is the default thumbnail you get if there is not a standin.
  • okay but there is also on the cache folder others thumbs from the album

    let's say I have an album with : file1.htm + image1.jpg and file2.html + image2.jpg

    on the cache folder I see :

    but _{zp-core}_{images}_imageDefault.png_100_thumb.png is the only thumb displayed on albums index
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    file1.htm + image1.jpg and file2.html + image2.jpg

    You actually should have `file1.htm + file1.jpg and file2.html + file2.jpg` but I guess you know that? If the image meant as a thumb does not have the same name it will be considered as an image itself, not as a thumb to the htm file. Therefore the htm file will not have a thumb and will get the default one assigned.
  • Yes I know that as I said before : I have one album with 2 files: file-name.txt and file-name.jpg
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, just wanted to be sure since you typed something else..;-) Then I like sbillard have no idea.
  • Your are talking about the album thumb, right? Well, which image is selected for that will depend on what you have chosen in your album thumbnail settings. My guess is that you have left it alone and the one chosen is the "first" which is presumably file1.htm and has no thumbnail standin, so the default is used.
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