It took a while since I didn't watch my gallery closely. Only my webmaster told me he got a lot of mails to "galerie@mydomainwhateveritiscalled.de". Now I took the closer look and found the reason. Quite a lot of spam. About 1500 comments.
Is there a way of removing the comments globally? Just take the risk to delete the three serious comments, but delete all of them?
Thanks for your help.
If you mean to turn them off globally, disable the comment form plugin.
You might want to enable a spam filter or the Captcha to limit this in the future. Or you can just disable the emails.
Yes, I mean the actual comments. The 1500 of them. So I try to find the database table. Can you give a hint about how it's called and where to find it in a usual zp-installation?
Thanks so much for your help.