Remove comments globally


It took a while since I didn't watch my gallery closely. Only my webmaster told me he got a lot of mails to "". Now I took the closer look and found the reason. Quite a lot of spam. About 1500 comments.

Is there a way of removing the comments globally? Just take the risk to delete the three serious comments, but delete all of them?

Thanks for your help.



  • If you mean the actual comments? You can just drop your comment database table and re-run setup to re-create it.

    If you mean to turn them off globally, disable the comment form plugin.

    You might want to enable a spam filter or the Captcha to limit this in the future. Or you can just disable the emails.
  • Uzh Member
    Hallo sbillard!

    Yes, I mean the actual comments. The 1500 of them. So I try to find the database table. Can you give a hint about how it's called and where to find it in a usual zp-installation?

    Thanks so much for your help.

  • In a normal installation it will be called `zp_comments` and will be in the database you told Zenphoto to use. If you have selected a different prefix from `zp_` then it will have that string prepended to `comments`. You will have to use a site tool to access your database directly such as phpMyAdmin.
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