Bilingual editing

Hi everybody,
I was wondering if there is any option to exclude some languages from the admin "Edit page".
I need just two languages and it's a bit tricky to scroll down to so many languages that I will never use.
I tried to find this on the forum but nothing.

How can I remove the languages I don't need from the "Edit Page", "Edit News" and "Edit Album" admin pages?

Excuse me if it was already answered.
Many thanks.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Quite easy: Just remove the files of the unneeded languages from `zp-core/locale`.
  • LDF Member
    Thank you soooo much!!
    really easy :)

    is it so easy to modify the order of the languages? I got English first then Italian... is it possible to switch the order?
    Thank you again!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, the order is alphabetical (and does of course not matter for the site itself at all).
  • LDF Member
    Thank you Acrylian.
  • But you probably do not really need to delete them in the long run--once you have items entered for sopme languages those languages will appear at the top of the list.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I guess it makes reallly sense to remove languages you don't need as that saves you from loading more TinyMCE editors than necessary. That saves loading time.
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