Zenphotopress popup displaying index page

Hi. Noob here. I have WP 2.9.1, ZP 1.2.8 and ZPP 1.6.1. My ZPP config as follows:

Zenphoto gallery URL: http://www.example.com/v1/zenphoto
Zenphoto data path: /home/example/public_html/v1/zenphoto/zp-data

Is config correct? I've tried changing permissions of wp-plugins folder to 777. Either the popup box will display the index page, or, display nothing at all (except for the "select albums").

Also, wordpress is installed in /v1/ folder. ZP is installed in /v1/zenphoto/. I tried installing ZP outside of /v1/ but was kept on redirected during ZP install. I am using domain forwarding to forward to main content in v1 folder.

I've uploaded photos via ZP. ZPP widget doesn't display thumbs as well. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


  • I don't know about the config: the data path depends on your webserver. The only thing that is a bit strange about the one you posted is "example" instead of "example.com": common configurations include the top-level domain as well, usually.

    What is the "index page" you are referring to when talking about the popup? And is the "select albums" menu empty?

    Also, consider updating to ZPP 1.6.2.
  • Hi Simbul. Yep, the ZP data path where the word "example" is, is our webserver account username. So just to confirm both the Zenphoto gallery URL and Zenphoto data path should be those of Zenphoto, and NOT Zenphotopress. ZP was installed in the WP folder, which in my case is, the "v1" folder.

    The index page that shows in the popup box is the actual homepage of the website. And, there is no "select albums". There was a time before I changed folder permissions via FTP that the popup would show an empty window with just the "select albums" dropdown. But after I changed permissions, the window would show our website home page.

    I'll try re-installing everything with the latest files and see if those work. I'll post here again if I continue experiencing problems. Thanks again, Simbul!
  • Hey I got it working! What I did was I changed back the permissions on the plugins and zenphotopress to 755. The homepage no longer appears in the popup box. There are no thumbnails in the actual popup menu box, but there are album selections available in the dropdown menu. The widget displays thumbnails, as well.
  • Well, I'm glad it's been solved.
    These permission issues are a true mystery sometimes :D
  • Hi Simbul, one last question. :D I was browsing the forums for ZPP and found this link: http://www.teresaahedo.com. Notice that when you click on the Galeria link on the nav, it goes to that page and displays the albums, BUT still retaining the overall design of its Wordpress theme. I have mine set up exactly like that website -- albums in its own gallery page -- except that the theme changes to ZP's theme, and does not retain my original WP theme. Is this normal? Do I have to manually edit the ZP theme to make it look like my orig WP theme, or is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That has nothing to do with ZPP. That is a matter of theming. This site either uses a Zenphoto theme that looks like the Wordpress one or it simply calls the Wordpress theme headers within the Zenphoto theme. Quickly looking at the source it seems to be the first solution.
  • Could not have said it better myself :)
    Thanks acrylian.
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