Hi. Noob here. I have WP 2.9.1, ZP 1.2.8 and ZPP 1.6.1. My ZPP config as follows:
Zenphoto gallery URL:
http://www.example.com/v1/zenphotoZenphoto data path: /home/example/public_html/v1/zenphoto/zp-data
Is config correct? I've tried changing permissions of wp-plugins folder to 777. Either the popup box will display the index page, or, display nothing at all (except for the "select albums").
Also, wordpress is installed in /v1/ folder. ZP is installed in /v1/zenphoto/. I tried installing ZP outside of /v1/ but was kept on redirected during ZP install. I am using domain forwarding to forward to main content in v1 folder.
I've uploaded photos via ZP. ZPP widget doesn't display thumbs as well. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
What is the "index page" you are referring to when talking about the popup? And is the "select albums" menu empty?
Also, consider updating to ZPP 1.6.2.
The index page that shows in the popup box is the actual homepage of the website. And, there is no "select albums". There was a time before I changed folder permissions via FTP that the popup would show an empty window with just the "select albums" dropdown. But after I changed permissions, the window would show our website home page.
I'll try re-installing everything with the latest files and see if those work. I'll post here again if I continue experiencing problems. Thanks again, Simbul!
These permission issues are a true mystery sometimes
Thanks acrylian.