I'm building a website that allows select users to upload images to the site. I'm wondering if there is a way to set up a moderation queue to handle what uploads are allowed to be on the server.
Basically, here's how it'd have to work:
-Normal user uploads 20 pictures
-Admin gets notified
-Admin sifts through images, removing undesirable photos from the moderation queue
-Finalizes/approves remaining pictures in normal user's album
The point behind this would be to save some server space so there aren't many redundant or any unwanted pictures on the server. Is there any way for this to get done?
Other than that you would need to create a custom upload plugin to handle this.
It would be perfect if there was an option to review thumbnails of the images and allow you to delete the ones you don't want off of the server, maybe have a thumbnail with a visibility checkbox and an `x` to delete the image.
Or is there even a way to convert the `flag_thumbnail` into being an `x` and allowing that to be clicked to delete the image(s) in question?
If I knew PHP well enough I probably would be able to do everything on my own, but unfortunately I don't it's not in our budget for me to get someone who could do that I need so I'm asking here. (And also being a student I don't have a lot of time to learn PHP although I certainly plan to when I have more time.)
I am just looking for a simple way to queue up and filter recently uploaded images manually and remove those which do not belong on our servers.
If it is just the exclamation mark that is disturbing, you can change that to any image you want. Look at around line 28 in the plugin where the image is called (action.png). Just make a new image for example with a text note "unpublished" and place it within `zp-core/images` and call it instead of the current.
My main issue I'm being pressed for is the image moderation. I don't know, it sounds simple enough of a concept. Is there an easy way to create a query in Zenphoto to display a set number of recently uploaded thumbnails? If I could be given a starting point to show, for example, 50 recent thumbnails I could try and figure out the rest, such as adding in a delete button.
I just don't wanna break any functions and while I could follow a tutorial I'm afraid to break the system.
We also have the image_album_statistics plugin that contains a function to get/print the latest images. http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/_zp-extensions---image_album_statistics.php.html#functiongetImageStatistic
But again you would have to modify that/make a custom version to get image delete buttons into it. It is all there but you would have to use the object orientated framework for that:
One other thing, I was thinking about creating a folder for my uploaders to upload to by default (which I would tell them to upload to, and we'll call it "Upload queue"). Basically with this idea, those people will be told to place all images under the "Upload queue" directory. What I would then like to do is while I'm going through the uploaded images in the `Publish content` utility is- while also being able to "Publish", "Do not publish", and "Delete"- (maybe placed on the right hand side) be able to move to another directory with a dropdown box, which would then be the images' final resting place (so to speak). I'm thinking just a drop down box that says something like, "Move to directory..." or something, and then the dropdown lists the directory's that are available. I just think it's another way to manage files in a kind of bulk way.
Once again though, thank you very much! You've just made my day.