insert style link for full-image.php

Since the watermark will not carry over in Thickbox, I have disabled it and I would like to style the canvas for the page produced by full-image.php. Does anyone have a clue where I would insert my full-page.css link?

Thank you for your service,


  • If you're asking where to put your css when you click the "view full image" or whatever, that is just a rewrite and displaying the full basic image. There is no "full-image page" that you can add it to. What you could do is create a custom page to do that, would take a bit of work though.

    Another option would be to just customize your image.php to your liking and use a custom image size.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can even use that custom page with an image and call it within the thickbox. Of course that will not make use of the automatice viewport resizing that thickbox does when displaying an image directly.
  • Thank you michaell and acrylian for the suggestions for a start. I will investigate both and post my results.

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