I have modified the Stopdesign theme to work with my wordpress blog and K2 theme and thought I would release it here for anyone who may find it useful.
I am new to CSS and basically picking things up as I go so I can't give any guarantees about how well this will work on different browsers as I have mostly tested using Firefox.
I think the theme should work with most wordpress themes without too much work.
You can download the file here
http://www.virtualcoder.co.uk/uploads/stopk2.zipand see the theme in action here
You will want to use one of the methods to integrate zenphoto into wordpress then use his theme as the theme for zenphoto.
However, I already had a menu tab on my blog that linked to my gallery url via the page_links_to plugin -- and I had to have my 3 ZenPhoto tables in my Wordpress database, as seperate databases didn't work (just as with dryan's earlier integration).
Basically the line of code switches to the zen DB after the WP header loads, and then switches back to the WP db before the WL footer loads.
It will be clearer when I post the code. A lot easier than mergig DB's and possibly jamming up your future WP/ZP updates.
Warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to access ../photos/zen/Sajax.php in /srv/www/mysite/web/zenphoto/themes/stopk2/header.php on line 13
Warning: include(../photos/zen/Sajax.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/mysite/web/zenphoto/themes/stopk2/header.php on line 13
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../photos/zen/Sajax.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/srv/www/mysite/web/') in /srv/www/httpd/phost/h/com/pytalhost/hellagood/web/zenphoto/themes/stopk2/header.php on line 13
I'm guessing that it might be one of my server's restrictions... or is it something that I could fix somehow?
And thanks
MySQL Query ( SELECT *, (date + 0) AS date FROM albums WHERE `folder`='0407bethanybeach' LIMIT 1; ) Failed. Error: Table 'desilvainfo_db2442.albums' doesn't exist
desilvainfo_db2442 is the Wordpress database, not the zenPress database... Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
Great theme! I am currently using it on my wordpress site and everything works out great. However, since the index page only list the first 6 albums, I was wondering how one can display the "prev" and "next" links on that will lead to the subsequent albums.
I have tried this:
[code]<?php printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); ?>[/code]
at the end of the gallery div. However, not only does it not format correctly, the "prev" and "next" links would link directly into the next undisplayed albums (like the prev and next links you have on your gallery index page).
any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Recently Updated Galleries
<?php $counter = 0; while (next_album() and $counter < 6): ?>
" title="View album: <?=getAlbumTitle();?>" class="img">
<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), null, 230, null, 210, 60); ?>
" title="View album: <?=getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
(<? $number = getNumImages(); if ($number > 1) $number .= " photos"; else $number .=" photo"; echo$number; ?>) <?php $text = getAlbumDesc(); if( strlen($text) > 50) $text = preg_replace("/[^ ]*$/", '', substr($text, 0, 50))."…"; echo$text; ?>";}; $counter++; endwhile; ?>
/img/btn_gallery_archive.gif" alt="Gallery Archive" />With this:
<?php $counter = 1; while (next_album()): ?>
" title="View album: <?=getAlbumTitle();?>" class="img">
<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), null, 230, null, 210, 60, null, null, '', null); ?>
" title="View album: <?=getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
(<? $number = getNumImages(); if ($number > 1) $number .= " photos"; else $number .=" photo"; echo$number; ?>) <?php $text = getAlbumDesc(); if( strlen($text) > 50) $text = preg_replace("/[^ ]*$/", '', substr($text, 0, 50))."…"; echo$text; ?>";}; $counter++; endwhile; ?>
<?php printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); ?>
This should give you the prev/next on your albums then.
Thanks for your help!
Now I can navigate to and from any album pages
However, one quick problem. I don't think the navbottom class is defined within the included zen.css file. Since I am a css newbie, I was wondering if you can post the css code for your navbottom class.
Thanks again!
Right now the navigation bar appears to the right of the gallery, sitting at where my right sidebar should be.
Instead, I would like to have the navigation bar appear directly below the photo albums, much like how your photo gallery does it.
any help on fixing that would be greatly appreciated
I was wondering how you did the random photos in the sidebar, if you are willing to share.
I'll update the theme here and post a new version with the css added as well.
The random images are done using ZenShow which you can get here: http://www.ruicruz.com/index.php/zenshow/
here's another example that I found: http://www.davegreenwood.com/zenphoto/
I attempted using a plugin called zenpressed, but had no luck. I was able to install and configure the plugin, but couldn't actually get anything within my wordpress pages.I also tried zenpress, but I dcould only use it to insert images into posts or pages with links back to zenphoto.
Is there another way? Any idea what plugin or method was used on SteveMoody's site? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I'm just using ZenShow to add random photos into the sidebar and then ZenPress to allow me to post thumbnail images into wordpress posts.
I could never get those to work though.
I am though doing it the other way round. I am trying to integrate WordPress with my gallery. I will post a link if and when successful.