ZENpressed 0.4

WordPress support plugin which before also was called ZENpress goes by the name ZENpressed now (or got a better name?).

get it

new features:
  • added zenpressed_photos to show a bunch of photos or a whole album (also an abstraction to latestphotos and ramdomphotos)
  • show whole or partial albums unordert, random ordered or ordered by latest in your posts (just leave out the image attribute in the zen tag)
  • leave out the album and the image attribute in your zen tag and it will select the photos from the whole gallery
  • fixed a bug in the output code that applied the class parameter to the title of the photo not the img-tag
  • the output of multiple photos is now wrapped in a div with class “zp_photosâ€??
  • the output of an album may now include the albumt title and description (showalbumtitle, showalbumdescription)
  • some more error handling (it still lets you shoot yourself in your foot)
  • insert photos by id into your posts
  • append additional css-class to image
  • added link to our wiki in the admin-panel
  • tested with ZENphoto 1.0.1 Beta and 1.0.3 Beta


  • as i had time and was in the mood i made another update

    • wp_lightbox2 support
    • own sidebar widget now included
    • and another stupid bugfix
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