deleting images from album

Been following Zenphotos progress since it started in 2007 and set up smaller galleries since. Great stuff!

But now i'm dealing with some heavier usage scenario, where there are couple of hundreds pictures in single album.
The problem is - there seems to be no easy way to see all the images together and delete some of them.
"Image order" is a great page to see an overview of all images but unfortunately one can only sort them there.
Finding the right images from the "Images" page, is quite a pain, if there's hundreds of them.

There was some sort of Ajax file manager, which i know, was dropped due to security holes.
But is there anything else to manage the images? Some plugin maybe? I guess implementing the delete function to the Sort page is not an easy task.. :\


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The ajax file manager has a replacement named elFinder. But it is not really meant for managing the gallery but you could use it to delete images of course. It would be similar as using FTP since it bypasses the backend technically.

    There are also bulk actions on the image edit page for deleting several images but if you really talk about hundreds using FTP will be the easiest and fastest, especially if you don't want to delete the album itself (which would be the easierst to delete all of its images).
  • Remember if you use either FTP or elFinder to delete images your database will be out of sync and need a refresh.
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