Zenpage plugin - make news and announcements invisible

Hello All,

I am loving the Zenpage functionality, but only intend to make use of pages, and not news or archives. I am using the zenpage default theme. Is it possible to remove the "News" and "Archive" links in the sidebar but keep the "Pages" heading?

Many thanks in advance


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sure, just remove them from the theme's sidebar.php.
  • Is there a way to hide News from the Admin Toolbox and Admin menu without resorting to a hack??
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, don't assign news rights to the user account.
  • Thanks for your reply!

    I don't see news as an option under Users > Rights...? I am using Zenpage for static pages, so I can't turn that portion off. Is there a setting somewhere else?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I am only working with the developement version mostly so separate rights for pages and news will come with 1.3.1. Scheduled on August 1st.
  • Awesome! Not a huge rush, I just thought I would ask. Keep up the good work!
  • I too am reading this post and wondering if the options will be updated to remove this visibility, I just upgraded to the lastest release today and don't see those options either.

    New at this, I am not afraid to edit the page, but if there was a way to switch this off and on, I'd prefer it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, there are no options. You have to modify the theme to remove that depends on the theme how complicated that is. For the Zenpage theme just remove the newscategory call from the side bar file, optionally remove the news.php page and it will be invisible. THat theme has another news loop on the gallery page for the "news on index" option. You can remove that as well.
  • FBOA...

    Rather than removing, this "if(0 &&" seems to work for any/all of the various sidebar.php sections:

    if (0 && getOption('zp_plugin_zenpage')) { ?>
    <div class="menu">
    <h3><?php echo gettext("News articles"); ?></h3>
    printAllNewsCategories(gettext("All news"),TRUE,"","menu-active",true,"submenu","menu-active");
    <?php } ?>

    ...disables, but leaves sidebar.php intact.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't understand what you mean. The sidebar is meant for all sorts of things like news categories, pages, albums etc. It is always there. Again as with the other post, feel free to change the theme.

    The theme (all themes actually is meant as a starting point to modify to your needs.

    Also, if you are loggedin with the needed rights you see unpublished and protected things by default as well.
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