zpBootstrap: Can't make Top level Album just simply pw protected

I have read quite a lot of blog posts about the user item... tried a few things myself, but can't figure out the way to just have one album protected with a simple pw (no userid, just pw) and just for viewing the photo, not admin side.
All my other albums are public.

I have the following set up (mine is in French so my translation might be approximate) :
- Option/security : Username / non selected
- Album "XYZ" level 1 : published
- Album "XYZ" password protected, Yes / But I have not added any user in the field above the pw. I only entered a PW and my album is displayed with a locker on the Album Admin page.

Result :
- The album is displayed with a locker image on the galerie side : good
- when a user clicks on the image he is prompted a Login/PW
form: NOT GOOD / Should be only PW
- The form is stating that the page I'm trying to display is protected by a PW : good
- when I type the saved PW in the form, the form refreshes exactely the same and I never get access to the PW Only protected Album.

I'm certain I have missed something in the settings, because from all I read it seems people can do nearly everything with the user control.
Thanks in advance for your help.



  • Zenphoto version Missing--NOT GOOD
    Theme in use Missing--NOT GOOD
    Information about your install Non-existent--NOT GOOD

    If you want us to help you really need to meet us half way at least. The behavior you describe could be right and proper under many circumstances.
  • Thanks sbillard for your answer, sorry for the missing information.
    ZP Version : [679750f04c] (Version officielle)
    Paramètre régional présentement utilisé : fr_FR.UTF8
    Theme in use: zpBootstrap (but I tried several Themes with same behavior)
    Version PHP : 5.4.19
    Version de MySQLi : 5.1.66
  • Check and report on the following settings:

    Gallery option "Gallery type"--should be "public"
    Gallery password--Should be an "open lock" icon.
    Security option "User name"--should be un-checked.

    Reset your album passwords by clicking on the "lock" Icon on the album tab. Verify you have no "locked" albums.

    Then set one album password (and only the password) and see if you get the correct behavior.
  • Confirmed and reset in the order advised :
    - Gallery Type Public (Was public)
    - Gallery pw -- Open lock (Was Open)
    - Resaved Gallery options
    - Security option "User name" -- unchecked (Was uncheked)
    - Resaved Securtiy options
    - Albums all unlocked (on Album settings summary page)
    - Recreated only the pw for the Album that I want protected (with pw accepted)
    - Resaved Album Option
    - Check on Album Settings summary (showing one album locked).
    - Waited 15 Minutes / Open another browser with cookies all deleted / -->
    - All albums are available except one with a locker image (OK)
    - Click on the locker image : form displayed contains 2 fields username and pw (NOK / NEED ONLY PW FIELD Required).
    - Filled in th PW in the PW field --> ignored / form refreshes showing the exact same form a second time.

    NOTA : when I type my admin login and pw in the form that is displayed on top of the locked album, I get rejected as well.
  • NOTA : when I type my admin login and pw in the form that is displayed on top of the locked album, I get rejected as well.
    This is an indication that the form is NOT a standard Zenphoto one. All such forms produced by Zenphoto will allow login of a Zenphoto user.
  • Thank you sbillard.
    It must be zbBootstrap theme then.
    Can the thread title be changed at your admin level to allow 3rd Party zbBootstrap (author_vincent3569) noticing this problem ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I changed the topic title. But you should try to reproduce this with an official theme, too.
  • Reproduced / Very close :
    - Now switched the whole galery on Default theme Black.
    - With same exact set up. I have checked the options galery and security set up again and refreshed the pw for my protected album to ensure same conditions.
    - The form is now pw only (OK) instead of username+pw with zpBootstrap.
    - However, when pw typed in and click on Connect / the form refreshes and nothing happens at all. I can type and type again with no impact. Coming back to the galery page, the locked album is still locked and cannot be accessed.

    I believe the form on zpBootstrap is incorrect given my set up(should not display username field).
    However, I believe the behavior with the default theme is also incorrect as typing the pw on a locked published galery does not give access to the galery.
  • Adding something strange :
    Behavior is sligthly different when typing a wrong pw instead of the correct one.
    Correct pw, the form reapears again and again, not allowing access but not givong any hint about what is wrong.

    Wrong pw, the form reapears but with red warning in French :
    "Impossible de se connecter.
    Vérifiez votre mot de passe et essayez de nouveau. "
    "Impossible to connect.
    Check you password and try again. "

    That may help you find what is wrong.
  • Be sure that your browser has not cached the logon page and is re-showing it to you.

    As for zpBootstrap, be sure you have the most recent version for the 1.4.5 release. The password form problem really sounds a not updated version.
  • I erazed all cach each time before testing on a separate browser. I doubt I can have a cach impact. Typing the right PW only leads me to seeing the form again and again no matter what.

    As long as I don't see Default theme working, I have no chance to get zpBootstrap working correctly.
  • Sorry, cannot help you further. This does not occur in the testing that I have done--all works as expected.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    As for zpBootstrap, be sure you have the most recent version for the 1.4.5 release. The password form problem really sounds a not updated version.
    the latest release of zpBootstrap is only avaliable with zenphoto 1.4.4.x

    I try to update it to 1.4.5, but I have not enough time.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you need help let us know. There are actually only minor things you need to update in general.
  • Not only a zpBootsrapt pb.
    I have entirely rebuilt the install from scratch using the last zp package and default theme only.
    I have uploaded my albums again.
    Made all the required configuration as advised by sbillard.
    My locked top level album (that contains no image of its own, it only contains subalbums with images) can still not be accessed using the set pw. The pw form refreshes again and again, not allowing access to the pw protected top album.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should really update to the just released (for other reasons though).
  • The other thing required for passwords to work is cookies or having set album sessions. If your browser refuses cookies then you will not be able to log-in to the front end.
  • I will update to tonight.
    All my browsers are cookies friendly.
    I will test tonight pw protect just a simple top level album with pictures in it and no sub-albums.
  • Just finished my update.
    Added a test album just with photos in it / no subalbum.
    Protected it with PW (no guest user, just pw) / Locker displayed.
    All albums and images are published including this one.
    The locker on the album is displayed correctly, the form is poping up whe I click on the album, my security level is definitely allowing cookies...
    But when I type the pw in the form and click connect / it fails and the form reapears again :(
    What am I doing wrong ? Would you like to test the behavior (I can share url and pw just for test).
  • Sure, provide a URL/password.
  • Thanks
    url : http://www.yveslebreton.net/whyves/
    you will see the album testpw
    pw is : Azerty.2512

    -try the correct pw (you will see the form refresh empty)
    -then try any other string (you will see error message)
  • I do see the problem, but do not have much of an explanation.

    The thing that is significant is that you are not using `mod_rewrite`. Thus the link is
    But that should work, see the following link (password is xyzzy)


    If I edit the url to delete the trailing slash then the link does work, but I do not know why on your server it fails with the slash.
  • I have checked the mode rewrite option setting / I'll see tomorrow if this gets any better.
  • mod_rewrite is not really helping / As you have said if I remove the "trailing slash" then the album appears.
    I guess I'm gonna leave it there / nothing else comes to try mind to solve the issue. At least symptom's understood now.
  • About the only thing I can think of then is that there are "duplicate" entries in the database for your albums--some with the extra slash. Still not sure why that matters though, because when checking Zenphoto should be stripping off the trailing slash.
  • given the issue that I can't solve, I will go unpublished with my more personal folder instead of pw protected. This will also allow me to use zpBootsrap again / like it very much. Thanks for all the help and care, much appreciated.
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