Zenphotopress showing albums - not thumbnails, and removing pop up?

Hi experts!
How do I get Zenphotpress to show the albums at the front page, like this:
(But with the header) and not a few selected images, like this:

My second question is how do i get it to open the images in the SAME window, i.e. not a pop up?

I really appreciate help with this! :-)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I will quickly answer although Zenphotopress is not official. That wordpress plugin is not really meant for doing that, it is for pasting images from Zenphoto into Wordpress posts or pages. You can of course create a page "exhibitions" and just paste thet thumbs of the albums you want to show there.

    What you actually want to do is to make a Zenphoto theme that looks like the Wordpress one. Since the "Zenphoto as a plugin" way currently does not work anymore with Wordpress for unknown reasons that is your only option. Review the user guide section on that topic.
  • Thanks for your reply. Oh, the making themes bit is not my strength. I was hoping there would be a plugin... :-(
    Any idea if anyone is working on getting the plugin to work, or if there is another way?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is and was no plugin. The mentioned "zenphoto as a plugin" was a solution to provide Zenphoto functions outside of Zenphoto theme pages and involved coding. Theming is the only and easiest way.
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