Thumbnail size not good

I have a strange problem (and I think it is after upgrading to 1.2.8).

I have my thumbsize set on 150 and before the thumbs where resized so that the long side was 150px. Now it seems that he set the height at 150Px. That makes portrait thumbs OK but the landscape thumbs are to big.

What do I wrong?
Where are the general theme options saved? With Image size I can set the size and check wich size is ment. It is set to height but when I change that to longest size I can not save this change (it reverts to height)

Many thanks in advance,

Filip Maryns


  • General theme options are changed on the admin/options/themes tab. All options are saved in the database options table.
  • OK, thanks, I found that.

    Now I checked and you have a field 'image_use_side' for each theme. It was set to 'longest' for my theme but was on 'height' for the default theme.

    Is seems to use the value for the default theme also in another theme to create the thumbs because I had the trouble here and now that I set it to 'longest' also in the default theme the thumbs are back to the correct size (also in the theme I use)

    Also, for some reason, the check (for image_use_side) in the admin/options/themes tab can only be changed when you use the default theme. If you change it in another theme, it reverts to the value set in the default theme.
    Maybe I did something wrong while adapting the default zenpagetheme to my likings but I find this curious behavour.

    Many thanks in advance,

  • That is a small bug. Actually the option is being properly saved, but the theme option page is displaying the default option rather than the one belonging to the theme. This will be corrected in tonight's build.
  • OK, its a small bug that he displays the default option.

    You checked also the strange behaviour? With my theme he also used the wrong value to generate the thumbs.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Yup, checked all the settings all work.
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