A Problem with IE 7 and Seearch/Archiv Function

In Internet Explorer 7 the Design will be broken (fonts are to big) if I use search or klick on an Archive Link. It's also in the Demo-Gallery on this site.
Can I fix ist ?

thx a lot


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, seems my collegue can reproduce that. I can't as I can't test IE being on Mac and none of my browser does display that.
  • Ok, I did it:
    Delete in search.php on line 28 and 57 the tags <h2> and </ h2>.
    zenPHOTO is great - why I haven't found it earlier ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, thanks, probably those <h2> font sizes were relative and IE once again doing something special. We will take a look.
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