suppress image info link

I'm using the default theme and don't wish to display any image info. I unchecked all the EXIF options in the admin dashboard, but the link itself persists (it just doesn't show anything when clicked!). I searched the forum and came up with this advice: "you need to remove the function call that produces it. Remove printImageMetadata()." Do I actually have to edit code to suppress that link? If yes, in which file? I did a global find and that string popped up several places but I don't know which to change. And that means I need to duplicate the theme, right?

Thanks for any help and suggestions. ZP version 1.2.6


  • That code is in your theme's image.php file.
  • Hello bryanbrazil;
    Thanks. That's one of the places I found it in my search. So if I just were to remove or comment out this whole block in my theme I'd be okay?
    if (getImageEXIFData()) {echo "<div id=\"exif_link\">".gettext("Image Info")."";
    printImageMetadata('', false);
    I understand the recommendation to duplicate the theme (so if doesn't get over-ridden by updates), but I might just try this on the theme files.
    I appreciate your help.
  • Worked. Sweet. Thanks. ZP is so big and the pieces are so interrelated I didn't want to just start ripping bits out.
    I appreciate your help.
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